Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day trip to Wittenberg--the city of Luther-- with Jerry and Wilma

Well, when an October day dawns bright and crisp in these parts, you're wise to make the most of it. We decided to head for Wittenberg, with my brother Jerry and his wife Wilma who were spending a week with us. Takes about an hour to get there, travelling through rural countryside, heading southwest from Berlin. Life is quieter there and moves at a slower pace, but we were surprised to find out about all the famous people who've lived or visited there: Frederick the Great, Napoleon, Peter the Great, Maxim Gorki, Tsar Alexander the First . . . . .
Martin Luther, of course, is the person who's put the city on the map. People come here to see where he lived and preached, leading up to his split with the Catholic Church. His statue has pride of place in front of the Rathaus. Other things to see here: churches, paintings by both Cranachs ("Weinberg des Herrn", Lucas Cranach d.J., photo below), and surprises like this half of a bike advertising a bike shop, spotted by Jerry, the inveterate photographer.

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