Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ampelmann lets us know when to walk

This cheerful, chubby little green man, called the Ampelmann, has become one of Berlin's symbols. He's one of the 'good' things left over from the days of East Berlin. His counterpart is a slender, upright, hatless guy, not nearly so beloved. Whichever one shows up, people pay attention-- it's very rare to see anyone jump the light and start walking while it's red. Ordnung is alive and well.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I'm enjoying your blog so much.
The Potato Festival sounds like a lot of fun. When we visited Germany I had issues with the food. I'm not a sausage person so ate lots of potato dishes, fruit(from the market)and vegetables-also desserts!
Have you been to any Oktoberfest events?
I love the little signal crossing man. London has a similar guy. I always just called him the "green man."
Keep the news and photos coming.
