Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pfaueninsel: Peacock Island

This is a special place, esp if you go there on a warm Sept day in the middle of the week and have it almost to yourself. Part of the walk around the island takes you through wooded areas, then open fields, and often with a view of the Wannsee, Berlin's cleanest and most scenic lake. Peacocks have been here for centuries, and if you walk our route, you find them in a garden at the end of your circuit around the island. Layers of history here: a stone marking the spot where a 17th c. alchemist had his lab for making Rubinglass, an old farmstead, a funny sort of castle ruin built by Friedrich Wilhelm II for his mistress in the late 18th c., and then the locale chosen by Goebbels in 1936 to celebrate the end of the Olympics. He hosted a party for +1000, an Italian Evening, complete with fireworks.

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